“And being young and dipped in folly I fell in love with melancholy “

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 Edgar Allan Poe Society

The Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore 

  • The Collected Works of Edgar Allan Poe  (A comprehensive collection of e-texts of all of Poe’s prose and poetical writings, from the original sources and with multiple versions as revised during his lifetime — includes poems, tales, sketches, essays, literary criticism, letters and miscellanea. Along with individual items, several important and scholarly collections are also provided, including the Harrison and Mabbott/Pollin editions.

Hp Lovecraft

HOWARD PHILLIPS LOVECRAFT (20 August 1890–15 March 1937) is probably best known as a writer of weird fiction, but some believe his voluminous correspondence to be his greatest accomplishment. You can explore his numerous facets through the many pages outlined here:

His Life provides information on Lovecraft’s life, family, correspondents, interests, and a photo gallery;
His Writings explores his wide variety of works, including his fiction and letters, and includes many electronic texts;
His Creations outlines his fictional elements including Lovecraftian locations in New England, a bestiary, and a list of grimoires;
His Study has information on biographies, literary criticism, bibliographies, periodicals, and online articles;
Popular Culture details the movies, games, music, and art based on Lovecraft’s works, as well as the “Cthulhu Mythos”;
Internet Resources gives information on other Lovecraft-related sites, newsgroups, and FTP sites; and
About This Site outlines the purpose and goals of this site.
Hp Lovecraft Historical Society

The H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society (HPLHS) is an organization founded in 1986 for the purpose of havin fun within the worlds envisioned by 1920s gothic horror writer H.P. Lovecraft. Now a for-profit business located near Los Angeles, we are the world’s premiere producer of Lovecraftian entertainment, creating motion picture, audio drama, book, game, spoken word and musical projects with a unique blend of respect for the source material, respect for humankind, authentic period details, production value and a sense of humor. In addition to our entertainments, we create a wide variety of other products for Lovecraft fans (e.g. shirts, mugs, props, and much more) and sell them in our Glendale store and online. And we are indeed also a society with active members all over the globe.


The Hermetic Library

Archiving, Engaging and Encouraging the living Esoteric Tradition, Hermeticism, Aleister Crowley's Thelema, & much more. Open Access Occultism for over 25 years.

“Jack” Marvel Wayside Parsons

The Book of the Antichrist

Sacred Text Archive

Sacred Text Archive

All ancient books which have once been called sacred by man, will have their lasting place in the history of mankind, and those who possess the courage, the perseverance, and the self-denial of the true miner, and of the true scholar, will find even in the darkest and dustiest shafts what they are seeking for,–real nuggets of thought, and precious jewels of faith and hope.— Max Müller, Introduction to the Upanishads Vol. II.

This site is a freely available archive of electronic texts about religion, mythology, legends and folklore, and occult and esoteric topics. Texts are presented in English translation and, where possible, in the original language.


This site has no particular agenda other than promoting religious tolerance and scholarship. Views expressed at this site are solely those of specific authors, and are not endorsed by sacred-texts. Sacred-texts is not sponsored by any religious group or organzation.


The Nietzsche Channel

My dear friend, what is this our life? A boat that swims in the sea, and all one knows for certain about it is that one day it will capsize. Here we are, two good old boats that have been faithful neighbors, and above all your hand has done its best to keep me from "capsizing"! Let us then continue our voyage—each for the other's sake, for a long time yet, a long time! We should miss each other so much! Tolerably calm seas and good winds and above all sun—what I wish for myself, I wish for you, too, and am sorry that my gratitude can find expression only in such a wish and has no influence at all on wind or weather!
— November 14, 1881: Letter from Friedrich Nietzsche to Franz Overbeck. 



Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks

Choose among free epub and Kindle eBooks, download them or read them online. You will find the world’s great literature here, with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired. Thousands of volunteers digitized and diligently proofread the eBooks, for you to enjoy.


The British Library

For research, inspiration and enjoyment 


a collection of 68,396,266 freely usable media files to which anyone can contribute
Books By C.G. Jung